Rock Eddy Bluff

This was my first trip out to Dixon, Missouri and I doubt there could have been a better time to do it. October is such a gorgeous month to go be outside around here. It’s not too cold, definitely not hot and the changing colors are just so stunning.

HDR was all the rage at this point and I was really wanting to give it a try. This place was just perfect for such things; there’s so many textures and colors to play with. Some of it worked out, some didn’t. Those that didn’t work for HDR I used anyway and just got creative with them.

There are a few taken with my phone.

Here’s the thing, I’m terrified of large bodies of water. I’m not a great swimmer, but I just hate not being able to have my feet planted on firm ground. Well, there was a canoe there and I actually got in it (!). Hurray for me, but I was not about to bring the Canon with me, so those shots were taken with my phone.

All in all, it was a very cool trip.

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