New Work: The In-Between

Category: Blog, PhotoBlog
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The passage in-between Dante's circles of Hell? Some twisted purgatory? Or is it simply an expression of the stiff, contorted and vulnerable feelings of having to wait (as one woman...

New Work: The End

Category: Blog, PhotoBlog
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The other morning I woke up with this stuck in my head and had to get it out. I'm not sure I really consider this a finished "piece" but...

“Heart of Darkness”

Category: Blog
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“The Heart of Darkness” is a dark art collective of artists from Wisconsin unveiling their first annual show Saturday May 19th, 2012. There will be a couple of guest artists...

New piece coming…

Category: Blog
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I've been working on a collaborative piece with Rich Brewer, a local, extremely talented illustrator and writer. He sent me a drawing and a poem and it was my...

Laumeier Sculpture Park

Category: Blog, PhotoBlog
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Laumeier Sculpture Park is a favorite quick getaway. Located just outside the city, there's more to this little spot than just massive pieces of artwork. Within the wooded portion...